Monday, September 3, 2012

It's Getting Better all the Time

So I changed the title of the blog back to the original title. I guess I'm feeling optimistic these days. My little guy is just blossoming! He loves being back in his "old preschool". He attended Marion's Way preschool for kids with hearing loss again this summer, which he called his new preschool or Denver preschool. This summer the staff at Marion's Way Preschool encouraged him to take on a leadership role, having been in the same program last year. Then, just as planned, when he returned to his mainstream preschool this year, he easily assumed the same role. Now when we see his classmates outside of school he greets them openly and enthusiastically. Kids who aren't as socially developed will have to be prompted to say hello as he used to have to be. His language is exploding and his speech therapist only pulls him out once a week now. She feels that since he's so engaged in the classroom, it's more beneficial for him to stay there with his classmates. He's still got the nidgies when he comes home but I'm told he behaves very well at school. We discontinued all occupational therapy this summer since we were so busy commuting to preschool. For now, we're holding off on resuming OT since it wasn't helping anymore.

It's obvious that his understanding of the world around him and his ability to verbalize how he feels about it is progressing quickly. He's been complaining that he wants to be older, mostly since his brother is now playing soccer and he feels left out. Though he admittedly does not want to play soccer but favors baseball instead. Along those lines, he's said several times in the last month that he wants to be older so he can hear with his ears. The first couple times I told him that he'll still need his processors to hear when he gets older but after he insisted, I finally admitted to him that maybe he will use his ears to hear someday.